Monday, July 09, 2007

Why 3 year olds are not so great

... or, "How 3 year olds can introduce humility into your life."
We've been having some work done on our house, and the other day I was cleaning off some shelves that were holding only dust as a result of this project. The yellow bottle of Pledge was a mainstay in my growing up years, and its smell brings me right home. Not so for my own kids, I've learned. When I got the bottle out, my 3 year old said, "What's that?" As if he's never seen it before.
As if.


Blogger prrrof said...

Ah, yes, the Pledge can. Funny that I remember that too.

At least you *have* one for your kid to notice!!!

7:59 PM  
Blogger jmb_craftypickle said...

I can only laugh...this just seems so funny to me.
Haa haa haa

10:15 PM  
Blogger jay are said...

The best part will be when you have company, bring out the broom for something, and he asks what this new contraption is...ah, kids. I think they secretly take classes on things like this.

12:19 PM  
Blogger carrie said...

I have to hide the Pledge from my kids or they are likely to spray it on the windows (and it's not so magical on glass)!

I love the smell too!


2:43 PM  

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