Tuesday, June 19, 2007

((( Charleston's firefighting families )))

The news about 9 firefighters who were killed in Charleston last night is horrific. Not to be overly dramatic, but I really can't imagine running into a huge warehouse full of sofas and mattresses especially after your training has taught you just how flamable those materials are. Charleston's department is similar to my DH's. It has 236 firefighters, DH's has around 250. They have 17 stations, DH's has 14 (I think...). I'm sure Charleston has older sections of town that aren't well maintained (like our fair city).
It doesn't look like arson, and likely no one is to blame. Sure, there should have been sprinklers in that warehouse (they aren't sure there were any), but the fire may still have raged out of control. I wonder if, in the short-term at least, events like this would be much easier to deal with if there is a villain in the story that can turn grief into anger. Someone who caused the men to die, someone whose actions were attrocious enough to distract those family members away from the hurt they are going through right now and focus instead on the anger they would feel toward that person. Instead, there are spouses, parents and children left with memories and sadness. In the long-term, maybe that will be easier.
Because of this news, I'm making today an official Love Up Your Family Day. Extra kisses all around, because I can't imagine what 9 families in Charleston are going through. I can't imagine getting the news that your spouse has gone off to work and won't be returning home. I can't imagine knowing that he probably faced sheer terror in his final moments of life. Just can't imagine...


Blogger Mrs.Kate.W said...

We have a friend who's wife died a week ago from complications for a seizure...she was 29 and had 2 little boys. Like the Charleston tradgedy it is something that helps me remember to hang on tight to my DH.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

I can see how that kind of news hits home to you every time. More kisses never hurt!

3:20 PM  
Blogger carrie said...

And I don't even want to try and imagine.

Wishing peace to all those families.


12:18 AM  
Blogger kaschim said...

Hugs and Kisses to you and yours too.

1:36 AM  

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