Monday, June 11, 2007

gross bugs

One cool thing that happened to me in the past few weeks: I witnessed a once-every-17-year cicada hatch in the midwest. If you want to know what they look like, click here. They're almost the size of my little finger and they covered every tree. The best way to walk across grass, we decided, was to just go and not look down.

One flew at my face and I bent my glasses trying to swat it away.

They sound like a million car alarms going off, far in the distance.

They're fascinating in a weird way. For a second I considered trying to capture one to bring to the kids, but then that thought passed.


Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

Sounds kinda icky to me... so what happens, do they only do this once every 17 yrs? Are you telling me these BUGS live for 17 years, or do they (as a group) just only do this once every s17 yrs? Not a bug person, me.

8:57 PM  
Blogger carrie said...

Eeeeeeeeew! You are very brave. I would've run like a little girl . . . screaming all the way!


12:03 AM  
Blogger prrrof said...

LCS: I think they somehow live underground?? Or maybe live as larvae? Hmm--methinks I should have googled an answer before I replied.

Carrie: The girl in me wanted to yelp in little high-pitched whines the whole time. The mom in me wanted to show my daughter how brave I was in the face of large bugs. Even though she wasn't there...

11:16 AM  

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