Tuesday, July 10, 2007

from toddlers to kids

I'll remember this as the summer our kids became friends--genuine "let's hide from mom and play a game," "I wanna do what you're doing" kind of friends. Overnight, these 2 -- one's 2.5, one's 4.5 -- are fully buddies. They play and play and play; they giggle and make up things to do. ("I know--I have an idea!" one will say.)

It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows their father that they're also learning to excel in the art of teasing. Yesterday they played all day in their play tent, and at one point, I heard some rustling. I asked what it was. #2 replied, "it's okay mommy. It's only the cranberries (which comes out more like 'cwanbewwies')" Then they giggled and giggled and rustled around some more...and later we found the bag of Starburst candy they'd smuggled in there.

Of course, they didn't figure out how to open it--so they're still not all growed up yet.


Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

Oh, I LOVE it! They are so funny! I can just hear them thinking themselves so clever... cwanbewwies indeed! (: Hugs from their auntie!

9:43 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Oh, I'm so glad someone's kids are friends. My kids argue ALL DAY, and although I'm prone to exaggeration, that is not one. ALL DAY. Starting about two minutes after wake up time, and ending lying in bed at night, arguing about whose turn it is to say prayers first.

My kids would be yelling "Cwanbewwies!" "NO! Bwuebewwies!" haha.

Sounds like you got the cuteness award for the week!

8:12 AM  
Blogger carrie said...

I love overhearing their conversations -- as long as they aren't ganging up on me!


2:44 PM  

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