Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cool things I've been enjoying online

I'm not a total techie--not by far--but a few different circumstances this week have sent me to some sites that I'm having a lot of fun with. I may be the last person in the world to know about these funky spots; if so, don't ruin my joy. Pretend you've never heard of these either.

Stumble upon is where it all begins--a very fun way to search around:

Then there are these fun ones:
Librarian Chick
Media Convert (this one is an easier way to take screen shots)


Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

OK, the musicovery is my most favorite website ever now. Besides ours. Ours really rocks, but if it weren't for us, this would be number 1. Thanks for those, they're great!

9:29 PM  

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