Tuesday, March 20, 2007

airport update

I'm sitting in the Orlando airport, and because I'm traveling with a cool little laptop and no children, I can actually sit here and write a blog post. So far (knock on the metal chair arm with no wood at all), my trip has gone smoothly. Unlike Bryan's nightmarish recent voyage.

For two nights I have had a hotel room, alone.

This is rare, and very nice in small doses. No cartoons had to be watched, for example. I got to stay up as late as I wanted without worrying about trying to settle down some kids. I've eaten meals slowly and with other adults.

I miss the kids like crazy, of course, but solitude--every once in a great while--is an amazing thing.


Blogger Lisa said...

You're living my fantasy! You're living my fantasy!!!!

Seriously, lately I could really do with a few days without kids.

Bummer how missing them always clouds the pleasure though, huh??

Try to really enjoy it! (although since you were at the airport, I'm guessing it's over now....)

7:45 AM  
Blogger Didge said...

Sounds like you might be getting ready for an all girls week in Cabo...I think I might just be ready myself! It is amazing that what you thought was just the ultimate (in our sitchy, a few minutes with nobody making demands, adult or child) is just not so cool after all when you finally have it. This happens to me all the time.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

Am DROOLING at the thought of (1) a plane ride with no ankle biters, (2) reading a book without anyone asking me to play trains, (3) sitting in an airport with no one to chase... I'd go on, but you're probably ready to be home at this point! Can't wait to see you soon! Happy travels!

9:33 PM  
Blogger Extrem4 said...

You forgot to complain about the husband harassing you. Yeah what about the poor husband at home with the whiny kids for 7 days. The best part is that no laundry has happened for 7 days. All of the clothes got to be tried out. Not too much cleaning going on as the husband has taken a break from that as well. It has been ok in the sense that the kids aren't too bad but they have been more clingy and say over and over, "But Dad I need you" and "Don't leave me". We will survive but I will admit it would have been far more traumatic without the grandparents.

10:11 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

A big fat ditto to LCS!

12:06 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Hi Heidi! (eg. long lost relative)
Off the subject of your post here but I saw your comment and yes I do remember a visit or two to Junction City. And don't I almost share a name with your brother?! I perused your husbands extrem4 site and found a Thanksgiving photo...so I can picture you all again. Thanks for saying Hi. Good days to you and yours! -Justin

12:53 PM  
Blogger carrie said...

What I wouldn't give for a little solitude right about now!

Hope you enjoyed it to the fullest.


5:03 PM  

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