I'm officially not cool.
It was one of those I'm-really-old-moments for me. I was at Target and heard this girl talking on her cell phone with a friend. Conversation went something like this (this is an excerpt only, so as not to bore you with the details): "So what's up with all that s***? Really? You ain't so f***n bad, why you get grounded? You guys high? (Aside to reader: it is 10:30 IN THE MORNING.) Yeah, I'm in the Army. Going out in a few weeks." blah blah blah with a whole lot more 4-letter-words blah. OK, so I'm officially over 30, but it's not been *too* long since I was a young'un. And I can honestly say I didn't know anyone who would have been (a) high at 10.30 in the morning except for the stoners circa 1988 and I think they just talked big in my town, (b) chatting about it casually in Target for all shoppers to enjoy, and (c) choosing to defend our country as casually as if they got a job at Taco Bell. I wanted to interrupt her and remind her that WE'RE AT WAR, GIRL. And we wonder how things like prisoner abuse in Iraq happens. Because these are the people out there fighting the good fight. Another reason we should never have gone to war.
So, you are not cool, what of it? If getting "high" and going to war are the prereqs' (that was cool!), let me be the first to cecede from the country of "COOL". I can't even start with the whole war thing, it is a big ball of disgust and rage in my belly that is not going to go away anytime soon.
But about being over 30 and way "NOT COOL", I have something to say about that. I was in line at a certain chain coffee establishment the other day behind a "Nicole Ritchie chick" and (I SWEAR!!!!) the guy in high school who used to make out next to my locker (not actually him, but the exact way he looked back in 1989). Here I am, so un-cool that the styles that I thought were gross in high school are now cool AGAIN! You know, the tight off color jeans w/high tops and a skin tight "rocker" t-shirt, except now the bands are vintage chic. Also the guy chose to glam it up by flat ironing his hair (sort of a grown-out shaggy semi-mullet) with a black bandana gently hovering over his eyebrows.
You may say that this is a fluke and that this outfit is "NOT COOL", but I am seeing it a lot lately....so I am guessing that it is either me or them (that is NOT COOL). (Since I hang with the pre-school crowd and my son wears a shirt that sez "I'm a Big Brother", I am guessing that I am NOT COOL)
(See you cats, I am off to get "high" and "defend my country over there so that I don't have to do it over here.")
oh how i love thee...
let me count the ways...
for now i will just say
i think the stoners in your town (my town too:)
really were stoned
except on the 2nd weekend of august when they were stuffed with abelskeevers...
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